Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Do it yourself. What a great philosophy. Not only does it save some money but it's really fun too! There are soooo many projects that you can do yourself and all you have to do is search for them and use your creativity! and have so many fabulous ideas and they even go into detail on how you can make each project! Once you establish your overall 'theme' or colors you want to use you can start searching online and local homegood stores and you'll be so surprised at what you find! Local flea markets and yard sales will definitely have a few items you can choose from and turn into your masterpiece! It can be such a fun project and you can include family members or close friends so they can be involved. Put your own special touch on your wedding and enjoy a fun project...everyone wins :)

Moss letters!

Pots for placecards and favors!

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