Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Fav Favors!

It may be a Southern thing but we believe that giving your guests a little prize is always a good thing! From candy to koozies there are TONS of cute ideas for your perfect wedding favor!

I have to mention that one of my fav's is the ever so popular CANDY bar. To me this is heaven on earth. You have an entire table full of different candies that not only look absolutely adorable all set up in different containers but they taste delicous too! Can't get much better than that.

Since the weather is about to start changing and it is going to get somewhat cool down here, having a wedding favor to keep your guests a little bit warmer isn't that bad of an idea. I've seen a bride have different shawls and scarfs as her favors and they were perfect for when the sun went down and the temperature dropped. Always something to think about when you're getting married in the colder months...

Pictures. Everyone loves them, everyone takes them. This is yet another reason why they would make the perfect wedding favor. Have a photo booth set up and let your guests get creative! It doesn't have to be an actual 'booth' either. Have a polaroid camera or a photographer with a fun background and some props and you've got yourself a favor! They will love this idea and love remembering the evening the next day :)

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