Monday, August 24, 2009

E is for Entertainment!

Most of us like to have a good time and it's no exception when you're planning your wedding! We have some awesome ideas that will give you that special touch and add the perfect twist to any reception or cocktail hour.
A good band can REALLY make a difference and the music for your cocktail hour can help provide insight to what your reception will hold. Having a funky, upbeat band not only makes it easier for your guests to mingle but can also tie in with your theme. If you are going for a more beachy or tropical theme try tying in steel drums or a blue grass band for a little cocktail hour and you'll be surprised at the reaction you'll get! This is the perfect way to add just enough detail and help tie in themes.
I know everyone has seen alllllll the Sister Act movies and still stare at the screen in awe when the singers hit those amazing notes! Well this is one trend that you can use in your ceremony and get that amazing reaction. Having a gospel chour sing in your ceremony can provide something different and creative to your wedding and not to mention everyone loves a good voice!
These are some fun ideas that we've seen that would be WONDERFUL for a reception. When you think of being a true southerner... you know that food will be involved. Adding little things like an ice cream bar or late night snacks will be a huge hit! Snacks like mini slider burgers, milkshakes and french fries will for sure make your guests remember your wedding! No one likes a good snack more than when they have been dancing and having a blast all night long.
A few different ideas that we've come across are having a watercolor sketch artist at your reception and have them paint different pictures all night long and these can be gifts to your guests! This is such a cute idea and the sketches turn out to be fabulous memories! Men will love to go outside and have a puff or two on a cigar so why not have a cigar roller present to really incorporate something different for the boys?! How awesome is this idea! Down south we also love our boiled peanuts and this can carry right on over to a wedding reception. You will have some happy guests if you give them a plastic bag and point them in the direction of a bushel of boiled peanuts!
To touch on something for the kiddies why not have a magician or a storyteller on site at the reception to help entertain those children who might be a little ready to call it a night?! Sean Driscoll is an AMAZING storyteller and has tons of different packages to choose from. He is also a magician and can perform the perfect show for the kids at any wedding reception. Check him out at!
A fortune teller during cocktail hour is a unique and interesting idea and will be sure to give your guests something to talk about! This is the perfect addition to a reception for that couple that wants to add something a little different and funky to their wedding.
And last but not least everyone loves to take a few photos to remember the night so why not make it apart of the reception?! Having a photobooth where your guests can take fun pics and place them in a guestbook with a little note is real unique and always fun to look back on! You can also have a polaroid camera set up with your guestbook and let guests take their own pics and place in the guestbook- this will also help save a few pennies!

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