Monday, August 31, 2009

Vendor or Friend?

Most couples establish a budget for their wedding and will try to minimize costs as much as possible. Believe me we are definitely fans of this but we don't want to see the classic mistake made of choosing a friend as one of your vendors! This could be a big mistake because you don't want to cross that line at any point during the planning where one person ends up getting offended or doesn't agree on one issue. We see it ALL the time and there is such an easy way to avoid it! Don't get me wrong, an acquaintance is fine to use as a vendor, someone that is a friend of a friend is one thing but someone that you would be inviting to your wedding regardless if they are providing a service is just a big NO NO. You can ask friends to help out and be involved as much as possible but relying on them solely to perform a service is not the best choice. Ask for their input as much as possible on things like dresses and creative ideas for decor but stray away from hiring them for services. You want your friends to relax and have a fabulous time at your wedding- not be running around taking pictures or putting together flower arrangements! Your wedding is something for everyone to remember so keep it that way :)

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