Monday, June 22, 2009

Ford Plantation!

This fabulous wedding took place at Ford Plantation in Richmond Hill which was once Henry Ford's rice plantation! We took the rice theme and ran with it and used the color scheme of golds and chocolates-which was absolutely gorgeous! The bride used "escort cards" that were stone coasters with the model T car on them to represent Henry Ford's Ford Model car and this also doubled as their wedding favors! We had an enclosed, air conditioned tent with a lounge bar, photo booth, and specialty bar area. The tables were squared to offer an intimate seating setup and keep with the bride's modern style. And to top it all off we through rice packets at the end of the night as they departed and the night came to an end. Overall this wedding was a HUGE success and we had so much fun coordinating this event! Special thanks to Mark Staff Photography and Garden on the Square for the amazing arrangements!